Sunday, 25 September 2011

More developments!

It was a big week for me.  I turned 8 months old and had my 5 month (corrected) developmental appointment.  I also had my last swimming lesson - I am officially a duckling and have a certificate and everything!

I had a busy social schedule too.  On Monday, I met my name's sake, Arthur, and his Mum for lunch.  He is a few weeks younger than me (if I had arrived on time) but is as big as me and growing up fast!

Tuesday was coffee time with Nicola and her son.  He's older than me and can stand and feed himself and looks like a proper little boy.  I was rather jealous because he's got lots of hair and teeth too  - all the better to eat his fish finger sandwich with!

Not quite as tasty as a fish finger sandwich!

Wednesday evening, Mum left me with Dad and went to her leaving do with the other Registrars from Northwick Park.  Mum said she had a lovely time and was sad to say goodbye to her friends.  She was very touched by the good luck messages in her card and the gift they gave her.  Thank you!
Dad took me to the pub with his work colleagues. I got lots of cuddles but then it was 6 o'clock so I fell asleep. I think Dad's colleagues were rather impressed!

Thursday was a busy day - I saw my Paediatric consultant to assess my growth and development.  He was very impressed, although not so much with massive poo I did whilst he examined me!  He can't find anything wrong with my arms and legs and says I am hitting my milestones correctly at the moment.  All good!  It was then off to swimming for more underwater antics, certificates and lunch with the other mums and babies. 

Mum and I did Gymboree on Friday morning and then we went for coffee with some NCT mums in the afternoon.  All of the babies are getting very big and grown up - weaning, rolling, trying to stand and continuing to keep their mums on their toes.  I'm doing my best to catch up.

Saturday - for some reason M&D decided to have a quiet weekend. So we stayed at home. To be fair they've both looked a bit tired of late. So I tried to be extra bouncy to perk them up.
I had my first grown up meal today - M&D had had roast chicken and roast vegetables last night so Mum pureed them for me for lunch. Very nice, but too much rosemary!

New tricks - I haven't actually managed to finish any new tricks this week, sorry. I'm still working on rolling. I can do it with help, but I'm waiting until no one is watching before I do it solo. Oh, and I've grown bored of my feet.

Mummy gives good cuddles!
 love to all,

Arthur xxx

Sunday, 18 September 2011

I do

We returned from holiday on Wednesday evening.  I was beautifully behaved on the return flight as well although a little louder than the outward bound flight.  Again, Mum didn't get any rest as she said she wanted to make sure I wasn't crying too much and disturbing the other passengers.  She was tired by the time we got home having been up for over 24 hours!

Thursday was swimming - no lion fish, inflatable rings or Dad but I did go underwater and Mum was taught to let go of me for a brief moment underwater so I could float on my own!  We then popped to Chelsea and Westminster Hospital to say hello to some of the staff on the NICU and to see if they remembered me.  They all recognised Mum but couldn't believe how big I've become!  I got a hug from the nurses who first looked after me all those months ago when I weighed just 950g.  They said that I must weigh over 6kg now but Mum hasn't weighed me for a while.  Naughty Mummy...

M+D had just about unpacked from our holiday, and most of the washing had been done, when we were off again.  This time to Dorset. It took FOUR hours to drive down with London traffic and several people having driven into each other on the way. Fortunately I'm a very good traveller and even managed to have my dinner in my car seat. M&D had a nice dinner - and recommend Plumber Manor.

Saturday was my first wedding. This was for Mum's friend, Cat and her pilot hubby James.  Cat looked beautiful and only cried a little.  I looked cute, babbled during the quiet bits and only threw up over Mum twice during the ceremony!  James (the groom) was wearing a skirt but apparently that's what Scottish men wear. It's very confusing.  I got more hugs from Mum's friends and then slept in the evening in my little portable tent, inside Cat and James' big white tent, whilst M+D did Scottish reeling!  M+D had such a good time they didn't take any photos but I think other people may have taken a few so Cat and James don't need to worry.

On Sunday, I met Dad's godmother and gave her lots of yummy cuddles. I tried one stealth vomit but she was too quick for me and I only managed to get my own top! Humph!  More driving back to London for a late lunch with my swimming buddies and their Ms and Ds.  It was quite loud and distracting for us babies and all the driving had made me a bit fractious so after food and a bit of chat, M+D took me home for an early night.

To make up for the lack of photos, here's a liittle video of me being tickled! (Sorry for the lack of editing but I start giggling 10 seconds in...)

Love to all,
Arthur x

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Hello from Cocoa

Got up a little before I was entirely ready on Sunday. There seemed to be a air of worry - Mummy was gathering all my clothes up and counting them and Daddy was putting them into big cases together with more nappies than I could ever use. I got bathed, dressed, fed and bundled into the car for a trip to see Granny and Grandad E.  They were VERY pleased to see me and cuddled and entertained me no end.  All too soon, it was time to go but we didn't go home...

...instead, we went to Gatwick airport, which was a strange place full of slightly unhappy looking people. We went to a nice lounge and I made lots of loud, happy noises but this didn't seem to cheer up the other people at all. Then we got on a plane, much bigger than the one I'd been on before. We were going on a holiday!   The Maldives is basically for honeymoons or a place for people who aren't yet Mummies or Daddies, so the looks I got from the other passengers, when Mum carried me onto our flight, were quite special to say the least.  But they don't know how experienced a traveller I have become and were pleasantly surprised by my sleeping skills. M+D got comfy seats which turned into beds and I got a special bed all of my very own.  Mum didn't sleep all that much so watched 3 films.  Dad put his ear plugs in and eye mask on and went out like a light, but he did get up to feed me. Me - I just slept when I wasn't being fed. Not sure what the fuss was about, really.

Once we arrived at Male airport, we were whisked away to our own boat which sped us to our island resort.  They were very pleased to see M&D again and ever so happy to see me. Our room is shaped like a boat. It has steps into the Indian Ocean and an enormous bath, an upstairs for M&D to sleep in, and most importantly, a cot for me!
Ours is the last boat on the right

Tuesday to Sunday:
This is my first beach holiday so I'm not sure how they're meant to work, but here are my observations:
It is REALLY BRIGHT out here. The sky is bright, the sand is blinding, even the sea is piercing blue. So I have my own sunglasses, and sun-hat and sun-goop (factor one zillion). Oh and an umbrella if it's super bright!

The sea is warm - I mean properly warm! I've been swimming in the sea, the big outdoor pool and the spa-pool which is hotter than my baths back home.

Recipe: Swimming Arthur (makes one).
  1. An Arthur
  2. A warm pool
  3. One swimming nappy (to avoid leaks)
  4. One sun-proof swimming costume
  5. Factor 50 water-proof suncream
  6. One sun-hat
  7. One blow up rubber ring for babies
  8. One or two parents

  1. Remove nappy and clean the Arthur in the usual way.
  2. Apply the swim nappy, the Factor 50, the swimming costume and the sun hat
  3. Blow up the inner section rubber ring, blow up the middle section, blow up the outer section.
  4. Feel a bit light headed, and have a sit down.
  5. Assemble the changing bag
  6. Add a second bag for swim stuff and post swim stuff for Arthur, and normal stuff for M&D
  7. Leave the room. Lock the room.
  8. Remember the camera.
  9. Repeat step 7.
  10. Walk 500m to the pool. Best to be carried if you are the Arthur.
All this takes a good 30mins.  But it was worth it.  Dad hasn't seen me swim before and I did my bestest underwater swimming and floating in my new yellow inflatable chair thing. 

Babysitting - or as M&D call it - diving:
I got a babysitter. Her name is Jane and I've seen her 3 times now. This was so M&D could go diving - at the same time! They were only away for two hours each time but always came back ever so excited. They've seen big adult manta rays. One so close Daddy could touch it. And then a juvenile whale shark. Apparently this was quite a big deal as they could talk of nothing else. Oh, and two types of turtles and lots and lots and lots of fish.

Sleeping and screaming:
I think I've adapted rather well. M&D say time is different to back home but I can't tell so I've just been sleeping right through the night and waking up at 7.30 or 8.
On the other hand I do seem to get into a bit of a tiz at about 7pm for about an hour. Sadly this coincides with my evening feed and with M&D's evening feed. The island we're on is rather small and I can now scream loud enough to be heard from one end to the other. Works a treat when the restaurant's busy. Dad carried me out onto the beach in the moonlight so I paused for a bit until we we were alongside a couple having a romantic dinner on the sand - then I let rip. Tee hee. Dad say's I'm the best contraceptive he knows, whatever that means.
I'm very quiet - honest.

Tim is the chef here and he makes me special food each day, all pureed. One meat one, one veggie one and one sweet one. My favourite is mashed banana and mango. The staff are all lovely and give me cuddles and keep me entertained when M&D look tired. Important point - Mum had failed to ask me what temperature I would like my food.  Well, it was too warm for me on the first day and so I told her. Just to be sure, I said it loud enough for the whole island to hear.  They've always cooled it down since - so that worked!

Parental amusements:
Mum and Dad like reading books outside. They don't do this at home. They read to me, obviously, but don't sit in the sun just reading but here they love it.  They both also like snorkelling, which is sort of posh swimming while looking at the fish and breathing through a straw. Mummy even took pictures of fish with her new underwater camera.  Daddy took some too and tried to be all clever about getting me, Mummy and the fish in the same photo:
Above the water
Below the water
In close up - my own Lionfish!

They also had massages. I like massages too but have never had one for an hour and a half. There isn't enough of me for one thing.

Most days have been very sunny. Some have been overcast which I prefer because I can see better and it's not quite so hot. But on two days we've had really big storms. These don't last long but I worried we were going to be blown away for a while.

A bit of light drizzle
Post swim!
All in all, I think I'm getting to like beach holidays!
Love to all,
Arthur x

Saturday, 3 September 2011

A week of rest; sort of

It was a quiet start to the week with me spending lots of time with Mum at home. 

Thursday was physio day.  Mum and I got on the bus and headed to Sunshine House.  My physiotherapist was very pleased with my progress and said I was doing all the things a 4 month old baby should be doing.  She told Mum to continue with my tummy time and to help me practice sitting on my own.  In the evening, we all went to one of Dad's colleague's leaving do.  I got lots of hugs from lots of people and then we went on to have dinner with Simon and Cathrine.  I slept and slept as the physio and hugs had tired me out.

Sitting independently!

Friday was a VERY busy day.  I went to work with Dad so Mum could go to Charing Cross Hospital for a meeting about her work.  Dad introduced me to lots more people who looked after me very well.  In the meantime, Mum had a lovely meeting with the Radiologists at Charing Cross and she is getting closer to sorting out her training when she returns to work.  Mum then drove to pick me up and we got home just in time for one of Mum's friend's, Fran to visit.  She brought me a fabulous present which I wasn't sure about at first but now I have explored all the cubes and they don't make me pull such a scared face anymore!  Thank you Fran!  I was quite tired after my trip to East London with Dad and I wasn't my usual cheery self.  In fact, I was a bit crotchety and grizzly but Fran was very patient and I settled down eventually so I got a cuddle.  We were out in the evening again!  This time to our next door neighbours' Andrew and Sera.  I was SO tired I said a brief hello to everyone then went to sleep.  Their cat, Cleo kept guard in the doorway of my bedroom whilst M+D ate, drank and were generally merry with Andrew, Sera and the other guests. 

Saturday started quietly with Mum as Dad slept in.  I had a more successful fish based lunch with slightly less of it getting all over me in comparison with the last time.  I Skyped with Granny W and had chats with Dad when he got up and was a content little man all day.  M+D say we are going to have a good week this week but they won't tell me why.  They say it's a surprise.  Oh well, I'll go to bed and have a sleep and see what happens tomorrow.


love to all,

Arthur xxx