Wednesday, 28 December 2011

We Wish You A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Wow, my first ever Christmas and Mum and Dad's first Christmas as a Mum and Dad. They haven't got used to this. Dad even handed my pressie for him (labelled to Dad) to Grandad; but I'm sure they'll learn. We all travelled down to Grandad and Granny E's for Christmas Day and Boxing Day and my cousins, my Uncle and Aunt and Granny W also came down to help us celebrate.

Eccles x3
 Granny E is getting much stronger after her hip operation but M+D did the cooking on 25th and Uncle Toby and Auntie Julia cooked on Boxing Day so she could have a rest.

I can't quite fit a whole camera in my mouth

December has been fairly peaceful really.  No more A and E visits but a physio appointment and a developmental appointment.  I am not doing too badly overall and certainly there is no obvious difference between my right and left arms and legs and I can now sit on my own for a little while.  The doctor did say that my head circumference is falling behind my weight gain and my length which may be indicating that my brain isn't as big as it should be.  He did say it's quality, not quantity that matters but it is something M+D were well aware of following my MRI way back in May.  We will know a bit more in April next year when I have my full 1 year check.  In the meantime I will put up with M+D helping me roll, sit and get stronger. My physio says I am developing slowly but steadily but the good news is that I'm not doing anything 'abnormal'.

Slow but steady progress with important tasks of daily living!

I am still enjoying nursery and starred in the Nativity Play as a star!  M+D came to watch but I heard Dad talking and when he didn't pick me up I made it very clear that this wasn't on so then M+D had to take turns in holding me so I didn't disturb the rest of the play!

We have been to lots of Christmas parties too.  The usual food issues applied - M+D ate all the cake and mince pies, I had milk and my usual mush!  This is going to have to change by next year!

Finger food

We have been given lots of cards and presents - thank you very much indeed.  Personally - I rather enjoyed the wrapping paper - tastes lovely!  I've now got a train set, clothes, boots, xylophone and teddies just to name a few things.  I've got more animals for my Ark too.  I'm turning into David Attenborough but without the fake footage!

Not all of these presents were for me!

A slightly worrying development  is that I am having 'night terrors'.  This involves me going to sleep then about an hour or so later, screaming and crying inconsolably for a few minutes before falling back to sleep. This is very disconcerting for M+D who find my crying very distressing especially when their cuddles and kisses don't settle me.  Apparently I'll grow out of it and I don't remember the episodes but it's not very nice for M+D.  Sorry.


So we are heading into 2012 and I am approaching not one, but TWO birthdays, though both to celebrate my being one year old!  I think M+D have some celebrating to do.  It's been a long year but we are still going strong and we are looking forward to a new year and more adventures!

Love to all and wishing all a very happy 2012


Thursday, 1 December 2011

November musings

Well hello again,

November has been pretty eventful! It's been Mum's first month back at work. So it's been all change here. I'd already got used to my lovely nursery but now M&D have to be rather more organised to get me there and back on time. Only one episode of running up the road so far but it's early days! I've also got a new buggy - a Maclaren.  Apparently it's THE buggy for hip young things.  Or it's easy to fold so it doesn't take up so much room at the nursery.  Hmm.
Mum's new job is at a new hospital so she's had the joy of Occupational Health (two jabs, big bruise and a sticking plaster an inch away from the injection site!) 

Out for brunch

Settling in for Mum has involved new machines and computer systems but same old requests. She has survived her first on call; everyone agreed it was a busy one but at least she has experienced most on call scenarios in one hit!

And I've started new swimming lessons.  I still like going underwater and now I reach out for the toy fish.  I'm still not entirely sure why I have to kick my legs; well Mum holds me and guides me through the water so why should I do it myself?

The other big news from the grown-ups was that Granny E broke her hip on holiday and had it fixed in Turkey. They were very glad they took their iPad with them or they might still be there: huge troubles getting my Granny and Granddad back again. Cue much running around. We needed to get M&D, me, Granddad and Granny E with her leg out straight, all back from Heathrow. I was as good as gold and we managed it despite the fact that Mummy really wasn't well. Now that I'm at nursery I've been catching all sorts of viruses and bringing home to share with M&D.

SJAE, JASE and me (AJSE)

There have been more tests for me. This time I had a special kidney test. I had to be injected with special radioactive stuff (eeek). They were lovely and managed to get a drip in first time. So I got radioactive wee and they got special photos of my kidney. Sadly not kidneys. They only saw one, because my left kidney is not working at all. One is enough but it's one more thing for M&D to worry about.

We have had yummy dinners with friends and M&D went for a quiz without me so I got babysat by James and Cat.  I was fairly well behaved and Deliverance provided an awesome Thai green curry for James and Cat!
We also had a lovely afternoon tea with the NCT Mums and Dads and their children.  All of the babies are growing up fast and some are moving fairly quickly around the floor too.
We went to my first fireworks display.  I wasn't all that bothered really.  M&D were very pleased I didn't cry.
notice the fireworks are behind me! 

My physio is coming along.  Still no real independent rolling or sitting but I'm getting stronger so hopefully it won't be too long.  Other parents have said that M&D should enjoy my immobile phase - it doesn't last long enough!

Last week wasn't quite so fun.  I wasn't very well and Mum had to come home from work and pick me up from nursery as my temperature was high and I was sleepy.  She took me to the GP who was able to see me the same morning.  A medical student saw me first, then the GP.  He said it was best Mum took me to A and E as I was breathing very fast and might have a nasty infection.  Mum sped me to the hospital (via the supermarket for emergency nappy and wipe purchase).  I was seen in the same cubicle as the last time I went to Tommies and was seen by the same doctor.  I had blood tests, a chest Xray, urine tests and I was stripped to my nappy and given lots of Calpol as I was so hot.  Mum was very anxious and the doctors did their best to reassure her that I had a virus and didn't need to stay in hospital.  I did my best too by smiling lots (except when I had my blood taken) but Mum said that smiling and giggling when I'm poorly  makes it harder to tell when I'm sick.  Thank you again to all the staff at St. Thomas' Paediatric A and E.  I have a feeling this won't be the last time I see you!

I'm back to my usual smiley-self and back at nursery although M&D are still watching me very closely - not much change there then really.

So all in all, a productive month.

I know, I'm adorable

Love to all,

Arthur xxx