Monday, 31 January 2011

Monday miracles...

Dear all,

Sorry for the lateness of this post.  My dad has gone to work so mum is now my PA and is still mastering the technical aspects of blogging. 

Mum seems very happy after the ward round.

My bilirubin has come down, so the blue light has gone and my shades are off.  Still haven't quite dared open my eyes yet but I hear the blankets are on their way so I will try hard to open them soon so I can appreciate all your hard work.

My morphine has been stopped and my feeds have been increased to 1.2ml every hour.  Mum says she will do her best to help me through the 'cold turkey' phase, whatever that is, and give me as much milk as I can manage.  Yummy!

They have also mentioned that I might get my first cuddle today.  I've been waiting for this for 9 days so fingers crossed it will happen today.  There will be lots of photos I promise.

I'm having more caffeine this morning to get me breathing on my own and if that all goes well then my breathing tube can come out soon.  Mum says that she needs caffeine too but hers generally comes with a pastry of some kind!

The news that made Mum smile the most was the fact I have done 3 poos since yesterday.  Why this is so exciting is beyond me.  Mum did say that doctors are always asking patients about their bowel habits so I'd better get used to people being very interested in my nappies. 

Look, no shades!

Getting so big I just fit in the photo!

M+D have been telling me about my followers and number of hits.  I didn't know I was so interesting but thank you so much for all your support and I hope you all continue to enjoy my posts and photos. 

Bye for now,

Arthur xxx

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update. I am so glad things appear to be going in the right direction. One of my friends noticed the blog on my facebook and has asked me to send you their love and best wishes from the Honnywills.

    I hope you get your cuddle today. Best wishes - Avril and Jeremy XXx
