Friday, 4 February 2011

More Friday feeling!

Another quiet day on the unit. I'm still on CPAP (nose breathing support). I'm still taking Mum's milk. I'm still being tanned a bit.

Oh and I'm still irrestistably cute. So cute I've had over 10,000 hits!! Wow.

Still got it!
I have also been pooing and peeing. Apparently this is very good, and the nurses, or M&D always clean me very carefully, though I wriggle as much as I can just to test them.

I have also been testing my strength with Dad - he says I'm getting stronger and stronger. All limbs working well.

Then I got camera shy:
Enough of the photos
So Mum and Dad are hoping for plenty more dull days.

Tiny but powerful hugs to all,
Arthur x

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