Thursday, 17 February 2011

Scary day - not for me!

Scary day today but not for me!
Good Karma!
I’m just fine on my special ‘Vapotherm’ breathing kit. I had a little sit out today on Dad though I got tired after an hour and needed to go back into my little plastic hutch to rest. The vapotherm kit means I’m not suitable for SCBU (special care baby unit – the next level down), so that means I’m staying here for the time being. My bloods and blood gases are Ok and I even managed to put on 30 grams.

The scary day was for my Granddad E. He came to see me with Granny E but I am SO small and the bleepy noises are so constant that I think I may have freaked him out a bit.

Jonathan Arthur Symons E,
Simon John Arthur E,
and Arthur Jonathan Simon E

Sorry about that – I didn’t mean to be so teeny. I was just impatient to meet everybody. It was lovely to see more of my family and to see where the features come from. Apparently the rest of my gene pool are coming over the next couple of days. Should be fun to see what they all look like – though Mum tells me I don’t get to choose the bits I want.

This afternoon they turned all the lights down – as usual – and Dad decided to get all clever with his camera. All I had to do was wave my arms about – and I’m very good at that!

Love to all, 

Arthur x

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