Friday, 22 April 2011

Good Friday

Good Friday (do you see what I did there?)

Three months old today!! Three whole months - 90 days! Only 5 days to go until my due date.

A calm day - Mum and Dad came to see me. My transfusion should be happening this evening. Well, you know I'm a bit hard to get IV lines into, but I now have a new problem - because of my previous transfusions I have made antibodies to new blood. So getting blood for me will be a bit trickier. It's solvable but will take a little longer (doesn't everything!).

I realise I'm a little on the pale side!
Feeding is going well - I'm staying awake for most of each feed and M&D are very good at pouring the rest down my tube so I don't get too tired.

Feeding with Mum
Life's ok and things are getting better - Happy Easter to you all from the confines of the ward with one of the best hospital views in London!

What, there's a view??

Love to all,
Arthur x

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